
by m

We are back from the Swede’s mormor’s summer-house. It was a lovely week in the sun and the lake, with enough bbq’d food to sink a ship. My only complaint would be the billions of bug bites I amassed. (But that isn’t so surprising considering I am a beacon for blood sucking bugs). Perhaps I should just start thinking that red, splotchy bite marks nicely complement a tan. 🙂


When Swedish Summer shows up, it really shows up. 😀  It could not have been a better week, and the long summer days only help. We mostly swam and hung about in the sun, but we also did a quick trip to see the nearby ‘car cemetery’ which was somehow whimsical and creepy simultaneously. I also managed to pick up a few Swedish vocab tips from the Swede’s two year old niece. So now I can balance out all the technical ‘history of medicine’ jargon with some good ol’ itsy bitsy spider.

On Friday we took a seven hour bus journey home only to have lost our apartment key.. This was initially a bummer, let me tell you, as both of us needed to pee. But after a few phone calls we figured it would be cheaper to stay with a friend and then have a weekend out on the town then to pay the weekend ‘open your door’ fee. So, along with our full bladders, we hunkered down at a friend’s for the night, then found a cheap place to stay Sat/Sun and had a surprisingly lovely weekend! When faced with a $340 fee to bust into your place I can thoroughly recommend (if possible) waiting until Monday to pay $25 instead. And then just spend all that other money on fun food and movies.. 🙂

It is pouring rain and thundering outside now, a good week to be back at work!

Vi ses!